3AC, 5SM, 3CB, 3KL, Year 7 return Wednesday 4th September * All other students return Thursday 5th September

D of E Gold Residential

Our Gold Duke of Edinburgh group, which includes current students and also some ex students who having completed their Bronze and Silver Awards and have continued to work with us to participate in the Gold Award, recently completed their Residential Section at Hindleap Warren.
The group had some challenging weather but did not let this stop them from completing their challenges which included Archery, Abseiling, Zip Wire and many other activities. The group had to work together to support each other and showed off these skills fantastically. For many of the group these challenges also included personal challenges around organising themselves, staying away from home and looking after each other.
We are very proud of them all and look forward to seeing them complete their Gold Award later in the year. The group are already planning their outing to Buckingham Palace to receive it!