3AC, 5SM, 3CB, 3KL, Year 7 return Wednesday 4th September * All other students return Thursday 5th September

MGC Careers Programme

Employability skills is a key thread that runs through many areas of the curriculum. Different pathways at different stages will be exposed to events and employability encounters that are tailored to meet the needs of our young people. Alongside this, whole school events such as our Next Steps evenings and our Skillsbuilder themed curriculum days, provide our whole community with the key information needed to make informed decisions about the future. 
Throughout our curriculum, pupils in all pathways are supported in developing their abilities to demonstrate the key skills of the Skills Builder framework. Whilst these skills are key for some students who will seek paid employment or volunteer work in the future, their contribution in supporting independence and social interactions make them important for all of our young people. 
Working closely with Skills Builder, we have become a case study school. Please find the link below to this report
Below you will see some photos from our 'What's your Strength?' curriculum day. Every class within the school participated in a range of inclusive activities that work towards each of the Key Skills. Each activity was expertly lead by an FE student (our Skills Builder Ambassadors) who again in this role were developing leadership and employability skills.
Gareth Court

Careers Leader

For further information regarding the careers programme at Manor Green College, please contact reception on 01293 520351.